I wish I could say that my blogging hiatus was due to a sabbatical, sat on a beach for three weeks and enjoyed the end-of-summer weather. Unfortunately my disappearance is nothing that glamorous or exciting, but simply due to an extremely stressful month. To answer the question, "Where the heck have you been?"
School started on the August 21st. When I posted the short "Hey Ya" entry, little did I realize that my time would essentially evaporate. After consecutively unsuccessful semesters taking classes on-line, I’m back in the class room for the fall semester. I’m determined to get my academic butt back in gear. Little did I know how much my time would evaporate.
Work has been a perennial nightmare for the last few weeks. Things began inexplicably breaking, and we are still struggling to get a permanent solution in place. On top of that, rumors of layoffs have everyone on edge. Now is not the time to be lax at work.
I joined a band. After my well-publicized search for drumming opportunities, I found one that was worth the wait! I am the new drummer of Greenfoot, a rock/blues/rockabilly band. I am especially excited for this opportunity to join two talented musicians. I believe that my musical gifts can help take this music to an awesome new level. Originally the blues/rockabilly genre wasn’t one I ever initially considered, but I’m definitely growing into the music. These guys have a really unique sound, and I am challenged by the genre. I’m used to being able to easily crank out some grooves and lay a solid foundation. With this new genre, I find myself taking a step back and reflecting on my true place in the genre. How can I apply my signature to this style? It’s neat to actually sit down and "wood shed" my parts, deliberately planning each song. We actually have a few gigs lined up in October. I am looking forward to playing live again!
Matt and I are hard at work, starting a new business. We’ve been inspired to create a unique seldom-done service, that will be greatly needed by many people. As we’re finalizing the planning stages, I’ll be sharing more on my blog. In the meantime, you can say that we’re working to "Preseve Memories". This has definitely been time-consuming, especially since we’re looking to launch on October 1.
Many other new things are beginning. I’m now a Knight of Columbus. I’m dusting off my Broncos jersey for another exciting season. I’m still biking and finding ways to get back in shape. I am scaling a mountain of NCSC work, and will be heading to Dallas in about a week.
These are definitely crazy times, but I still have many random thoughts. I hope that this inaugural school-year post will remove the psychological barrier I have from finding time to post. Thanks for sticking with me, wish me luck!