Friday fun: Buried shirts

After reading through all of my RSS feeds, I found the single-most important story of the week that requires reflection:

From ESPN:

A construction worker and Boston fan working on the concrete crew at the $1.3 billion new Yankee Stadium buried a Red Sox shirt in with the concrete foundation under what will become the visitors’ clubhouse, in the hopes of jinxing the New York Yankees‘ new home, the New York Post reported.

Two construction workers told the newspaper about the stunt on condition of anonymity.

“In August, a Red Sox T-shirt was poured in a slab in the visitor’s clubhouse. It’s the curse of the Yankees,” one worker told the Post. “Nobody knows about it. It’s in the floors, it’s buried.”

There is not a more classic rivalry than Yankees/Bo-Sox.  This is hilarious, and I hope it’s true.