Funny Baby Story

Alright, go Fridays!   Pretty typical day, just glad that the weekend is here and I am just thankful for that. Workwise I ended one of the most productive weeks for me in a long time…  Except until about 4pm Friday afternoon..  I decided to work from home (mainly because laziness and convenience took over) when the power went out!  Everything shut down without warning!  I talked to some of the neighbors and it looks like the whole complex was shut down!  You don’t realize just how much you use electricity until you don’t have it.  I still had my laptop on battery, but it did little good since all internet activity was shut down.  So I took this as a sign that maybe it was time to take a break and possibly be done for the day.  So I started to read.  A half-hour passed – no power.  At that point I decided to nap.  It was funny because it was so noisy outside.  It seemed like everyone was running between apartments acting like we’re under some kind of emergency.  It was really funny, but really loud.  I finally drifted off to sleep.  Next thing I know it was 6:30pm and the power had kicked back in..  It’s just funny to think about not having electricity = naptime…  You’d think I’d find ways to be more productive during this time, but noooo…   Oh well.

I then joined my mom and sisters for dinner and on the way home I gave my youngest sister and her boyfriend a ride back to my folks and chilled there…  So here’s where my funny story of the night comes in…

So remember yesterday how I took Sam over to the doctor’s office in the morning?  Well while she was there she picked up a booklet and a bunch of flyers about the 3rd trimester, giving birth and all that good stuff…  Well come to find out that she left it in my car, in the back seat no less.  So here I am giving my sister and her bo’ a ride home (she’s riding shot and he’s in the back) and he didn’t say anything about it!  Now it’d be one thing if they gave me a little crap about it, but he didn’t say A WORD!  And I know that he saw it.  I keep my car pretty clean and it’s the only thing back there, and it’s RIGHT ON THE SEAT!  The funny thing is that I didn’t realize it until after I got in the car to leave my parents’ (and my sister and her bo’ left a lot earlier to go play poker).  How much do you want to bet that there was a pretty good gossip/rumor discussion going on in the car on the way there?.  I had the same thoughts so as soon as I hit the road I called my mom (even though I saw her 2 minutes before) and told her the whole story…  Now I know my parents know me better than to suspect anything, but if our family does one thing well, it’s GOSSIP!  So it’s important that I send out the truth dispatchers right away and dispel any rumors or conjecture…  But still, how funny…