Song: "Three Little Birds" – Don’t Worry About a Thing, ’cause every little thing, is gonna be alright… How true…
You know the phrase "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"? I feel like that today. Not so much in the sense that I need a renewed look upon life, but more-so that I need to stop dwelling on my shortcomings and do what I need to do to fix the things that are causing stress in my life.
Of course, all of this is self-inflicted and it’s all due to the fact that I’m the biggest procrastinator in the world. There’s a saying on a calendar I have at work: "Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now." Unfortunately I live by that all too well, so much so that it gets me into trouble.
This week I’m committed to resolving all of those things that I’ve been putting off all summer long, and a pretty sizable list has piled up. Ugh…
First and foremost – my crowning disappointment – the NCSC Western Retreat… You might be asking "What NCSC Western Retreat?" – exactly.. I’ve done some work here and there about it, but nowhere to the point where it should be… Which has lead me to write the following email to my regional team:
I am sad to say that due to my inability to manage my time effectively throughout this summer, as will as my ineptitude in delegating tasks that I have only accomplished some minor logistical tasks in preparing for the retreat. Additionally due to my inabilities I was not able to effectively market & outreach this retreat to our target audience with any realistic notice. I am deeply sorry for letting this fall by the waste-side. I realize that many of you have gone out of your way to make yourselves available throughout this summer to assist in any way, and I apologize for not taking advantage of your gifts and enthusiasm. I realize that I have let many of you down, and at this point would ask for your forgiveness as we look towards the fall semester in serving our region and the rest of the NCSC.
It sucks, and it’s pretty much all my fault… All is not lost, because I was such a bum about this no advertising has been done, so there’s not really anything that has to be canceled in any official capacity – so we’re still able to take the same concepts and ideas and hopefully apply them towards something later on in the semester. I’m just frustrated because I knew this was looming over me, I kept putting it off and let myself get busy with other things. Then the next thing I know too much time has passed – it’s too late and now I’m writing apology messages.
Right now I’m working on creating an opportunity for our regional team together at the end of the summer, have some fun together and do some more visioning and planning. I hope that this opportunity will come to fruition and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that it happens. I am blessed with an awesome regional team and I need to use their gifts effectively. At this point I definitely need a lot of prayer in this area…
So that’s the 800-pound gorilla that is still on my back, but here are some more bits of straw that’s breaking me:
Pay Off My Broncos Tickets – While I am *officially" on the season ticket waiting list, I effectively have Season Tickets through some former co-workers of mine that have been selling them to me at the beginning of each year. This will be the 4th year I’ve done this, but first I have to PAY them. It’s not because I don’t have the money, it’s because I’ve been such a bum to work it into my budget to pay them. Now our first home pre-season game is August 20th and I need to get all of the money to them. – Today I emailed them… I’m hoping to hear from them this week and get the ball rolling.
Start the Fantasy Football Ball Rolling – Did that last night… This isn’t so important, except for the fact that if I don’t get going this early people will find other leagues to join and we’ll be up the creek on this one – Emailed a bunch of people yesterday – already received 7 responses!
Fix the Family Football Pool – I *still* haven’t awarded any of the prizes for the pool, nor have I taken anyone’s dues for the pool. This is something I need to do before the week ends! Luckily I will no longer be the football pool commish – I’m turning it over to someone who has the time and capability to do this!
Tie up the other 50 loose ends I have…
So a bunch of little things – pretty minor in their own but combined have become heavy burdens in themselves… But hopefully by the end of this week I’ll be able to say that I have all of these taken care of! Wish me luck!
Few random thoughts:
- Peter Foresburg is no longer an Av – NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!
- Freakin Comcast randomly changes their channel line-up! Thanks for breaking my Tivo! I’m glad I recorded an hour’s worth of the TV Guide Channel! That’s quality viewing there!
- Only 6 more days until I suffer against the addictions of Madden 2006….
- At this moment I’m waiting for a call so that the Explorer can become the drunk bus! I guess I’m picking up 8 people – should be interesting! If you ever have too much to drink and need a ride home, call me 24 hours a day at 1-800-AAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHH.