Re-entering back into regular life…

Today turned out to be a pretty crazy day of re-entry and overall a lot of busy-ness, topped off with a bunch of random thoughts.

It looks like I’m going to be marketing my drummer skills again. After experiencing yet another cancellation of band practice, it’s become all too obvious that there are circumstances (possibly beyond this band’s control) that are preventing them from making a consistent commitment. In the weeks past I didn’t mind the cancellations, as I’ve usually had something else going on that would have made practice complicated or impossible all-together. Tonight was no exception, as one of the tires on my car is currently the spare and I won’t have the rim/wheel until later this week to finally get things fixed. At the same time, I’m wondering if we’ll ever practice. It’s really disappointing because this band has a really awesome sound, I really connected with the musical background and ideals. It would have turned out to be a really fun project. What I think I will do is just hold out with this band, not let them know of my intentions, but also begin to explore other options. If something more stable comes along there may be a point where I’ll exclusively devote myself to the new band, but if the old band wakes up and has time I could make the appropriate adjustments. Geez, I sound like I’m dating here… So back to Craigslist I go…

Tonight I cheated on our "Tuesday" 24 night and watched the new episode.. I still plan to see it with my friends tomorrow, but I’ll definitely have to bite my lip on most of the episode. The revelation at the end of the episode was simply shocking, and as always the cliff-hanger for next week is in large 24-style. Tonight I was talking to my buddy Matt, and we were discussing our reactions to the episode, the 24 podcasts we’ve been listening to, and other 24-related topics. Then Matt jokingly said that we should start up a blog about 24, something that we could collaboratively write, share our reactions and reflections, make any predictions, and open things up to discussion. Originally we thought of the idea as off the cuff, but after kicking it around for a while, it became more and more serious. The next thing I knew I was looking at domain names and made the purchase for So now we’re the proud owner! We’re still not sure what this blog will look like, how much time we’ll realistically get to devote to it, and whether it’ll even be worth visiting – but we’re going to start some discussions, I’m going to get to work on setting up some technical stuff but we’ll see where this goes… Dang we’re such geeks.

I’m beginning my third week of using the new blog format, and so far I’m liking things. I’m a little disappointed about losing the community-aspect of Xanga. I didn’t get around to setting up webstats on my new blog until today, so I’m not really sure what kind of traffic the new blog is getting (but if you’re reading this, you’re helping! 🙂 ). However, what I’ve lost in community, I’ve gained in convenience and functionality. I love the fact I can have this little Flickr bar to the right of my blog, as well as make other add-ins (like posting picture entries directly from the Flickr site). I also am experimenting with a new Blog editor called Qumana, which allows me to compose the blog entry in a MS Word-like editor, write the blogs off-line and interface with my blog through a windows program interface. I love this because I really struggled finding an easy way to spell-check my entries. So far, so good with Movable Type. I’d love to hear any feedback you may have about it.