Another celebrity drunk: Melo gets a DUI

Melo Well the Nuggets wouldn’t be the Nuggets without their drama.  Carmelo Anthony did his part on Sunday night by getting a DUI.  Nice Melo, it’s bad enough that you’re contributing to our on-court meltdown at the end of the season (why do we want to make the playoffs playing like we are?), but you have to go and embarrass your team and your city.

I like this gem as well:

(From ESPN): Detective Sharon Hahn said Anthony, who was alone in the car, failed a series of sobriety tests. He was ticketed and released at the scene, but Hahn did not know how he got home. Denver police don’t jail DUI suspects and Anthony was no exception, Hahn said.

What?!?  You just let DUI suspects go on their merry way home?  How is that for safety?  I’m glad I’m driving the roads of I-25 with Drunk Melo and other people who received a DUI that night.