Photographing TMule vs Nic Clark at FoCoMX

Photographing TMule vs Nic Clark at FoCoMX

I got way behind on posting photos from shows that I’ve shot, and am still going through the few bands I was lucky enough to capture at FoCoMX 2023. I made sure to go check out TMule vs. Nic Clark at The OBC Wine Project. I discovered these two amazing musicians last year when the Clearview Library District in Windsor featured TMule’s “Tiny Mule” act, which caters to kids. I loved the energy so much that I was anxious to see the “grown-up” version and they did not disappoint!

This was also my first time at the OBC (Odell Brewing Company) Wine Project, which has a beautiful patio right next door to the Odell Brewery. If you’re out and about and see TMule, Nic Clark, or BOTH on a live music lineup, do yourself a favor and plan on seeing them!

Photographing the Pamlico Sound at FoCoMX

Photographing the Pamlico Sound at FoCoMX

Last month I was lucky enough to both play and see some amazing bands at the Fort Collins Music Experiment – FoCoMX. Due to my single dad duties, I was only able to go on Friday – the night that I played. Playing obviously entails packing my gear before and after, it really limited my ability to get out and see some other bands that night. Unfortunately, I was only able to photograph three acts.

One of those acts was The Pamlico Sound, a funk band that I subbed in for a short time before my daughters were born. In following that band, it’s been inspiring to watch them resolve their issues and transform themselves into a staple in the Northern Colorado funk scene.

They performed in front of New Belgium Brewing Company, an awesome outdoor space! The shade and shadows made for a bit of a challenge, but I hope I captured the gist of the energy that was there.

Great job, Pamlico Sound!

Snow Day!

Snow Day!

It’s not unusual to have snowfall in Colorado before Halloween, but given the fires that are ravaging through Colorado, this large amount of snow has been a welcome reprieve. Down here in Windsor, with nowhere to go, we’re happy that we got a special Sunday Snow Day that spilled into Monday!

We set out for tubing yesterday and lasted about 20 minutes before we were too cold to be outside. I felt brave enough to put a plastic bag over the DSLR and snap a few shots with the telephoto lens. The girls absolutely had a blast.

Important note: The girls’ faces are blue because they were wearing face paint, we didn’t keep them outside until their faces changed color!

Photographing FoCoMX – Night 2

Photographing FoCoMX – Night 2

On the heels of my Night 1 post, here is the second night of bands that I saw and photos that I took. This night featured such talented bands such as: Attack on Venus, King Cardinal, Sick Trick, Shark Dreams, Graham Good & the Painters, AJ Fullerton, The Silent Disco, The Bardots, and Wolfer.

I have some more pictures available on my FlickR album, which can be downloaded from there (especially if you’re in one of those talented bands).

Photographing FoCoMX – Night 1

Photographing FoCoMX – Night 1

Here in Fort Collins, we just wrapped up FoCoMX, which is basically Christmas for the local music scene. Over the course of two nights, there were nearly 400 bands that played across 2 dozen venues in Fort Collins. Amy and the Peace Pipes were lucky enough to be selected, but in addition to playing I also had the chance to go out and do some shooting for the FoCoMA.

I ended up covering a lot of ground over the course of the night but still didn’t get to see many of the bands as I hoped. Rather than park myself at a single venue, I roamed throughout downtown and captured bands in venues of all sizes and lighting. Some made for some interesting challenges, but I’m overall pretty happy with how the images turned out.

Below are but some of the images of Night 1, which included great bands such as The Trujillo Company, Mojomama, CITRA, Def Knock, Johnny & the Mongrels, The Sickly Hecks, I Am The Owl and The Kity Project.

I have some more pictures available on my FlickR album, which can be downloaded from there (especially if you’re in one of those talented bands).