Note: This post is a response to a question that was recently posed on a NextDoor thread: “Why don’t we vote on Library Board members?”

I am a member of the Clearview Library Board of Trustees but am speaking only for myself and not on behalf of the board. To answer your question as to why Library Trustees are appointed rather than elected: The appointment of members is specified in Colorado Library Law (C.R.S. 24-90-108). As a library district, sections (c) and (e) are applicable to Clearview. These apply to all library districts in the state of Colorado. I’d invite you to read the law at:
As specified in the Clearview Library District (CLD) bylaws, which can be read at , Trustees are appointed by a committee that consists of voting members from all of the municipal bodies that make up the CLD: Town of Windsor, Town of Severance, City of Greeley, and the Weld RE-4 School District. A current Trustee is also on the committee and facilitates the process. Once a selection is made, those names are submitted to each of the aforementioned entities to be ratified, which is discussed and voted on during their public meetings – only then are those Trustees seated to complete a 3-year term which can be re-appointed once to serve a maximum of 6 years as a voting Trustee. You can learn more by reading Article 2, Section 4 of the CLD Bylaws which goes into further detail of the oversight of the CLD Board of Trustees.
This process was recently completed for our trustee whose term was expiring at the end of the year, and at our most recent meeting we extensively discussed the process. You can view it below:
Regarding “how our dollars are spent”, I recently made a post that answered some questions about the CLD’s mill levy, finances, and budget. I’d invite you to read it. Also, the first reading of our 2024 budget was presented in our October meeting and can be viewed below:
The second reading and possible approval is on the agenda for the next regular meeting on Thursday, November 30. If you have any questions about Trustee appointment, the CLD budget, or anything else related to the library district, I’m more than happy to answer them at . I don’t respond to social media comments and encourage you to reach out to me directly and would even be happy to set up a phone or in-person discussion as well. Thanks for your interest in the Clearview Library District!