Looks like someone’s got a case of the Mondays…

Well another weeks starts and with it another list of things that I must do…  The list has really piled up and I really need to knock some of these things out.  What better week to get started on these than finals week as well – but no worries, my finals are pretty much a joke so I’m not really worried (gotta love these "clean up your GPA" semesters).

NCSC work has really piled up and I keep procrastinating on it.  What makes it hard is that I keep catching these lucky breaks and things end up working out.  I’d like to think of it as God taking care of me, but it could just be luck as well.  Nonetheless I can’t let these be another excuse for why I’m not doing it.  I need to let the creative juices flow and make a logo, then I need to get some forms that I wrote out onto the web site.  On top of that I need to reach out to my team (which I feel horrible about maintaining communications silence).  The list piles on…  Argghhh…

Work was good today, for a Monday.  Got bit in the butt by something I didn’t realize when I was doing an upgrade and now my project is temporarily hosed. I just pray that tomorrow the team that needs to help me will actually help me.  I have to move onto other stuff…  (There’s another pile of stuff I need to do over there) Ugh…

Tonight was great as I got to reconnect with two very great friends.  I got to see Emily and help her out with her graduation invitations.  I’m always excited to see Emily, even if it’s only to help her with a favor.  It’s nice to talk to her though and it’s been way too long.  I invited her to the family Rockies game with the fireworks so that should be a lot of fun too.

I also got to see Sam tonight too, which is really good.  This friendship is the one I’m most pleasantly surprised.  After everything that has strained our friendship I feel that we’re healthily mending it, in a way that’s not awkward either…  I’ll tell you what’s a bit scary though.  Tonight Sam asked me if I would be able to be her phone call when her water breaks and it’s time to deliver – as I’ll be the ride to the hospital.  Part of me is *very* flattered – that she trusts me enough to be able to ask me for this great task.  Another part is scared to death…   I get a call in the middle of the night and next thing I know I’m making a mad drive to the hospital?!?  Then we all have seen those sitcoms where you’re there helping in the delivery.. "Squeeze my hand if it hurts"..  Did I sign up for this???  I’ll need to pray about it, she’s going to be a single mom and she doesn’t really have anyone else so I think I’ll need to wise up and just do it…

Tonight was fun though, Sam and I got some food, then were going to go to the movie and decided to kill some time in front of the Tivo by watching some Law & Order…  Such a great show..  Take your pick: we decided on Criminal Intent & SVU.  Then after that we watched Iron Chef – the Japanese version.  CLASSIC! If you’ve never seen the show you’re missing out on a real treat.  They take these chefs and pit them together in competition as if it was the Super Bowl or something.  They have this big countdown and are cooking frantically to get these dishes to these judges that don’t have a clue what they’re talking about…  The real kicker is the commentary.  They have such bad voice-overs and the English commentators are so out of whack with what they’re saying.  My favorite guy is this kitchen sideline reporter who always goes "Sckuz-a"…  CLASSIC!  At the end of the show I have no idea what they cooked or how they cooked it, but I know that I laughed about 20 times during the show.  GREAT!!     I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch this show, but if you’re looking to kill some time in front of the TV from 9-10 the Food Network is the place to be.