Great President’s Day Weekend

This turned out to be a wonderful three-day weekend, filled with a lot of fun activities, a little bit of pain and some change of plans.

First off the change of plans: Originally I was going to learn how to snowboard, rescheduled from our attempt last weekend. However, with our arctic cold temperatures on Friday (-9 in the evening!), we made the call that it would be better to just fall on my butt and not freeze it off, so we’re going to go for strike three next weekend! Saturday turned out to be pretty nice. Sleeping in until noon is never horrible, and I got to go play drums at church and had a nice night!

Sunday brought about a ton of fun – Coldplay Concert! This really snuck up on me. Bethany and I bought tickets with my friend Matt and his girlfriend Amanda back in December and with everything being so busy with the new semester this concert came out of nowhere. It turned out to be exactly what I needed, especially with such a hectic previous week.

I’d like to write more about the show, but time + fatigue is simply allowing me to post some pictures (I’ll do so at the bottom).

Monday was also a blast with a Sledding Experience with my sister, her friend and Bethany. Originally I was really excited about getting up to Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park, but it doesn’t look like they’re allowing sledding up there this year (we were disappointed to see these big "NO SLEDDING" signs right out there. With the mild winter, maybe the lake isn’t as frozen over as it should be.. So we went over to Hidden Valley, which was definitely over-rated from everything I heard. There were a few small hills, but it was mainly families that were sledding with their little kids. We did manage to find a slope with a jump and had some fun. We all got some air, but I ended up really doing some damage to my tailbone. Maybe it’s a preview of what’s to come next weekend Hopefully not

So without further ado, pictures!

The Pepsi Center before Coldplay took the stage… This shows you how far back we were… My sister was in the 4th row!! Arggh

During "Yellow" all of these giant yellow balloons fell out of the ceiling. They were filled with confetti. This was a pretty cool shot.

I forget which song this was, but this is when I finally figured out how to take decent pictures in the dark Pepsi Center.

During one of the songs (I think it was "In My Place") Chris Martin came across the arena and stood about 20 feet from us! It was funny because I didn’t realize it was happening until he was right there. Bethany tapped my arm and I thought she was pointing to someone that security was going after, then I realize, "Whoa, that’s Chris Martin!"

This is my favorite shot. You can see the band on the big screen, right above where they’re really at. This was at the end of the encore when they bowed.

Bethany and I sledding Monday

Bethany got some air off that last jump!

This is me after taking a spill…