Ugh, as I was approaching 1:30am I decided to get up and blog, because it doesn’t seem like I’m going to be sleeping any time soon. I’ve been laying in bed for upwards of 45 minutes, and I just can’t sleep. Perhaps it’s nerves Perhaps it’s excitement mixed with adrenaline. Perhaps it’s the two cokes I had at 10pm, but I simply cannot sleep. It doesn’t help knowing that I’m going to be up in an hour, getting ready to go to the airport.
I keep thinking about everything that I’ve packed – if I had missed anything. Looking at my packing list, it’s funny to see just what a nerd I am. I have packed so much technology, it’s pretty much filling a suit-case. For an 8-day trip, I am packing the following technology:
- A Netgear Wireless Router
- An external hard drive enclosure
- A multi-card reader
- A power strip
- A DVD player – not a portable DVD player. Just a slim DVD player that’s guaranteed to work
- A DVD booklet
- 2 Digital Cameras (My good one and my "I don’t care about much" one)
- A laptop cooling pad
- A USB Hub
- A trackman/mouse
- Laptop lock
- Game Controller
- Random installation/program CD’s (just in case I need to reinstall Windows or something)
- iPod (+ charger, plus cables)
- Treo 650 Smartphone
- Extra Network Cable
- Bluetooth headset
This insane. Granted, I don’t need most of this tech stuff, especially when you’re going to Disneyland. However, each thing has it’s purpose, and I know that some point in the trip I’ll be grateful for bringing each thing.
Oh that reminds me, I need to pack two of my web books as well as my photoshop book. Almost forgot…
Oh, and to make matters worse, I’m carrying on a case of beer – gotta love that. I’m anxious to share the latest New Belgium summer brew – "Skinny Dip" with the rest of my family..