Glad Super Bowl is finally over, but football…

And so it ends: the most over-hyped event of the year – the Super Bowl – has come to an end.  And with it, the 2006-2007 NFL season is officially over.  As football-crazy as I am, I was even getting tired of all of the hype and exploitation of all of the Super Bowl storylines.  You could only hear the game being broken down in so many ways, and it seemed like day after day the same points were re-hashed.

Aside from my obvious disappointment that the Broncos didn’t make the playoffs, I am glad to see Payton Manning finally get his ring.  This should hopefully stop the whining about how he can’t win big games.  He’s a great Quarterback, probably the best in football right now, and he deserves to do well.  Grossman played so poorly, I was half-expecting that they would put in Brian Griese into the game (that would have been funny for Broncos fans).

As for the game itself:  Is it possible for CBS to have their NFL broadcasting rights repealed?  I can’t stand watching the games on CBS.  The presentation is horrible, I can’t stand their “video game” sounds graphics, and I loathe Phil Simms.  I hate how it seems like has has to cover just about every Broncos game.  His commentary is completely worthless, almost like a slack-jawed yokel’s view of football.  I can’t stand how he despises the Broncos and criticizes them at every turn, and I don’t understand why he has such a man-crush on Tom Brady.

I really couldn’t pinpoint it, but with the way CBS delivered the game – it just didn’t seem like a Super Bowl.  The half-time show was a complete joke (wow, Prince doing cover tunes), and right when the game ended, CBS jammed their network show promotion down our throats before we could see any of the celebration.  And the commercials?  There were a few funny ones, but this was the worst year of commercials that I can remember.  I also love all of this “viewer-generated” content.  What says “laziness” better than some marketing guys sitting around a room saying “Hmm, well it looks like we’re out of ideas.  I know – let’s have our viewers just give us their ideas and do our jobs for us.  We’ll call it a ‘contest’ – BRILLIANT!”.  And these guys get paid for this???

But now the season comes to an end, and I find myself wondering how I’m going to pass the time (especially on Sundays) for the next 6 months.  Ugh.