Day 1 – Making it to Vegas!

We set out on our adventure early Wednesday morning and were out of Denver at about 7:15am.  The day was spent making the long drive out to Vegas, an 11 hour trip.  Luckily the drive was mostly uneventful, with our excitement increasing as we drew closer.  We hit Vegas right during rush hour traffic, but after we got off the Interstate it was incredibly easy to park in our hotel – the Palazzo.


Our room is absolutely amazing.  We’re on the 44th floor, with a view overlooking the Wynn’s golf course (we’ll post pictures of everything tomorrow).  We quickly got cleaned up and headed out to the Rio for Penn & Teller.  Throughout the day we had it in our mind that the show started at 9:30pm, only to realize the show started at 9:00pm (and being asked to be in our seats by 8:30pm).  We went and found the nearest, fastest-looking place: Sao Paulo Cafe. The food was surprisingly good, and we made it to our seats with time to spare.

We were blown away by Penn & Teller!  The show is a classic Vegas show: magic mixed in with comedy.  The show flew by real quickly. When they said “goodnight” to us we looked at our watch to realize that 90 minutes already breezed by.  As we walked out, we saw that Penn & Teller were signing autographs and taking pictures, where we managed to get this one:


We tried to end the night by watching a movie, but the long day took its toll on us, and we fell asleep halfway through the Wedding Singer.

Next up: Our first full day in Vegas!