New Madden!

Whooooooaaaahooohooo…   (or however that sounds…)

Today is the day!  For the last few weeks I’ve talked about how excited I am that football is started.  Well one of those football milestones is here.  Today is the day…

Of course I’m talking about the release of Madden NFL 2006!  My life isn’t going to be the same (at least not for the next week or so).. lol…  The game was released this morning and while I wasn’t there when Best Buy opened, I did manage to make it there during my lunch break and get my copy!

It’s been a tradition since 2001 that I get it on the release day, and I’ve pretty much been banking up my PS2 time – not really touching my console for the last few months (outside of taking some time to beam Matt in the head with baseballs).

So now it’s time to cash in on the PS2 time…  You wonder why I’ve been tying up all these loose ends for the last week – this is the reason why (well maybe not the reason, but subconsiously I was probably doing it).

And of course, it has my favorite QB right on the cover – Donovan McNabb!

Must not give in to the temptation….  Must not leave work… to go play…. Madden….

I’m hopeless…  But actually I’m really excited to see Bethany today.  She’s coming home after being gone for the last 6 days, and I’m anxious to hear about her adventure in DC.  So I’m sure Madden will wait another day   But the point is that I still bought it on the first day it came out

Goodbye Peter Jennings

Another Monday work day draws to close, and with it a bit of random thought:

As you likely know by now, Peter Jennings has passed away at 67, losing his battle with lung cancer.  It’s really sad to lose someone, especially someone who has served as a major media figure throughout the last quarter of the 20th century.  With Jenning’s death, there are many significant notes.

Jenning’s death has essentially marked the end of the "Network TV News Era".  Being the last of the "Big 3" (with Rather and Brokaw) to leave the nightly news spot, the broadcast networks have relinquished their iconish figures of big media.  When the Big 3 ascended to their network thrones in the early 80’s, the world they brought news to was vastly different than the world we have today.  25 years ago there was no cable news conglomerates like CNN, CNBC/MSNBC, Fox News.  25 years ago there was essentially no talk radio (at least not to the level we are today with Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and Bill O’Reilly).  25 years ago there was no Internet (at least in the form that we know of it today).  25 years ago we didn’t have all of the media outlets dispensing information that we have today. Back in the early 80’s Jennings, Brokaw, Rather were it when it came to getting your TV News.  Sure people read the newspapers, but when it came down to Breaking News and the nightly 30-minute recaps we relied on the Big 3 Anchors to tell us what we needed to know.  These three wielded more power than I think we’ll ever realize – becoming the face of these networks.  Whenever a big story broke, or a large event was taking place – chances are that these three guys were there telling you about it.  It’s funny when you look at it today, but where do you get your news from?  Can you name the three people that are currently anchoring the nightly news on those networks?   Many of you already know Brian Williams, but it was mainly because the guy was groomed into the position over a carefully-planned period of four years.  And even with that Williams doesn’t have nearly the clout that Brokaw had.

My guess is that Dianne Sawyer will be sitting in the anchor seat for ABC Nightly News, but I don’t think there is any way she – or anyone for that matter – will replace the role the "Big 3" had in our society.


In happier news…  Fantasy Football is underway!   As I mentioned in a previous post, we were "gettin’ the league back together" for another year of Fantasy.  With all 12 roster spots filled, I went out and set up the league, and sent out the invitations for people to join!  Let the fun begin!

Now if you’re not into sports or have never played in any "fantasy" leagues then you may struggle in seeing the value of what we’re doing, as well as my excitement!  But there is so much to get excited about:

  • So much of it is based on healthy competition.  When I set up my team, I got to choose the team name.  I picked "Dhani’s Bow Tie"* and am now issuing a challenge to the rest of the league to come up with a name that’s more creative than mine.  My friend Matt may have me beat with "CUT THAT MEAT!"**.  But I love that you can find healthy rivalry in virtually any facet of the game
  • It promotes unity and camaraderie between a group of people who may otherwise have no reason to interact or even know each other.  While it’s always good to call your buddy up to see how they’re doing – now you have something to rustle them up about
  • It’s such a great way to get into the game.  The team closest to my heart are the Denver Broncos, but now my excitement can extend to the other 13-15 games during that weekend.  All of the sudden I’m rooting for a team to do well (or rooting against them), and I’m interested in the random games that are on.

Only 29 days 2 hours, 57 minutes and 5 seconds until our draft kicks off!  You bet I’m excited!

*"Dhani’s Bow Tie" is an obscure reference to one of my favorite players in the NFL – Philadelphia Eagles’ Linebacker Dhani Jones.  Dhani also has a company called "5 Star Bow ties", where we sells Bow Ties.  Whenever he does an interview or an appearance he is always very well dressed, complete with a 5 Star Bow tie  

** "CUT THAT MEAT!" refers to the MasterCard commercial where Payton Manning (Quarterback for the Indy Colts) is a fan of "typical" people.  In the commercial he’s in front of a deli counter chanting "CUT THAT MEAT!  CUT THAT MEAT!" to the worker.  Another awesome part in the commercial is when he’s hounding these accountants going to work "I can’t believe it, you’re on my Fantasy Accounting Team!", then a guy high-5’s him, and he just stands there shocked.  Hilarious commercial!

Weekend Update

Well as Sunday draws to a close it’s time to reflect on what turned out to be a pretty good weekend! 

First and foremost, I ended up getting 17 hours of sleep in two days!  Sweet!  After being really bad about getting to bed on time for the last week, then getting up early for work, it was nice to turn the alarm of and just sleep the day away.

On Saturday I got up then headed down to Loveland to have lunch with my mom and my sister, which was nice considering I haven’t seen them in a week (which compared to the rest of this summer has been quite some time).  I then made my way back up to FC and made a trip to the drum store.  I went into the drum store with no intention to buy anything grand, and pretty much left accomplishing that: a container of cymbal polish, a pair of Danny Carey signature sticks, and a replacement pair of "Lightning Rods" (my old pair is really splintering up).  It was kinda pathetic, I pretty much went to the drum store to make sure they didn’t think I died.  I haven’t been in there in months and I’ve really missed not upgrading my drum set.  Lately I unfortunately haven’t had much reason to – I’m not really playing in any active bands/projects (outside of church choir), and between Dave Matthews, Broncos Season tix, and a bunch of assorted stuff I throw my money away on – I really haven’t had the excess funds to throw at my drum set…  It was funny being in there because the two guys they had working at the weekend were relatively new, none of them knew who I was (and I’ve been a regular there for the better part of 10 years), and the guy who rang me up asked "Do you shop here regularly?" to see if I was in their database… Too funny.

I then went and played over at church.  It’s been like 6 weeks since I’ve been there and all of the guys gave me a hard time (mainly by introducing themselves to me).  It was a lot of fun being there again, but I had A LOT of rust to knock off.  I pretty much screwed up two of the newer songs we did during rehearsal, and luckily I locked them in during Mass.  It’s just funny because I’ve been practicing quite a bit, but it’s on the electric set, and it makes me realize just how playing on electronic rubber pads really numbs up your chops (then playing on the real things kills them again).  Hopefully this week I’ll be able to find somewhere to break out the real set and see if I can get my chops back.  I really want another music project right now.

After Mass I spent the evening hanging out with my friend Michael.  It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen him (since my birthday), but we had a blast.  We had dinner over at La Luz, then went and made a beer run and came back to my place and watched Be Cool.  First off, if you haven’t seen Be Cool and you’re looking for some laughs – I’d see it.  I remember seeing the previews in the theatre and really wanting to see that movie (after seeing all of the stars that were in at (namely Andre 3000!), but I never made time to go see it.  Then I guess it didn’t do well in theatres and came to DVD pretty fast.  My guess is that the movie wasn’t marketed well when it came out, because it really turned out to be a really great flick! (but then again a lot of things are great after a few beers)…

I’ve forgotten how much I enjoy hanging out with Michael, because we have the most random in-depth discussions on so many different topics, then we come out with these really interesting conclusions.  Just to give you a sampling of what we talked about:

  • Web Browser Standards, and the most common ones that web designers ignore
  • Microsoft (M$) and the fact that they have total disregard for any established standards (i.e. Microsoft FrontPage)
  • What the world would be like if M$ made hardware – we wouldn’t be able to buy a computer for $300-400 now.  Everyone would be proprietary in their hardware and IBM would likely be at the top of the PC Market
  • Weddings – How "cool" a wedding will be is not measured by who is getting married, but rather who you know will be attending the wedding.  Because you have no real interaction with the bride & groom during the wedding, it all depends on which friends you sit by.
  • Engagement periods – The minimum engagement time should be 9-12 months.  Any engagements that are shorter than 9 months and still have an extravagant wedding causes you to wonder about how much marriage preparation has gone on.
  • FOCUS – Of course…
  • When it’s appropriate to re-design a web site (i.e. J23 UM)
  • The difficulty of managing a student database over MS Excel
  • Many things related to Be Cool.  We talked a lot about the Rock
  • And most notably: The law of worthwhile travel – Which states: If the amount of time you’re going to spend at a destination is less than the total round-trip time it takes to get there – it’s not worth going.

So a lot of fun on a Saturday evening.  I also had two glasses of Pep-to Bismol-errr-Tequila Rose.

Sunday rolled around with me sleeping in until 12:30pm (NICE!), then having lunch and visiting Sam.  We had a lot of fun!  I tried my best to spread the good news of Star Trek to her, and pulled out the big guns – the best Star Trek movie of all time.  That’s right, I’m talking about Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country .  Unfortunately we only made it about 20 minutes into the film before Sam took me up on my offer to "Change it if it sucked".  So we watched Spider-man 2 (remember, my #1 super hero movie of all time) and I learned how to play Rummikub. It was a fun game and it turned out to be great Sunday afternoon!  I then spent the evening at my family’s, had some dinner and then came back home!

Time to get ready for another Monday   And only two more weeks left until school starts (NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!)

Web Site Frustrations

Something really got to me yesterday that made me end up writing this big three page entry, then after venting a whole bunch, I decided not to post the entry..  But this is still really bugging me, so I figured I should at least get it off my chest…

As you may or may not know, I’m a bit of a web site design nerd.  Throughout the last 9 years I’ve designed or been involved with designing around 50 different web sites.  I’m not one of those sexy, flash-site designers, but I’ve always been proud in my ability to create functional, attractive and useful web sites.  It’s a gift that I truly enjoy…

One of the sites that I’m most proud of has been the design of my Campus Ministry web site…  That site was a long time coming and took two different re-designs, but after hours of work in color-coordinating, structuring and maintaining, we put together an awesome site, and probably one of the better campus ministry sites in the country..  

Well that all changed in the last few months, and now has taken a grave turn…  Last night I’m surfing around the net, when I came across my old Campus Ministry site, which I found has been redesigned by the new campus minister… Now I’m not some egotist that thinks my designs are the best, nor am I not willing to except the ever-changing nature of the Internet, but I can’t help but be offended when they’ve gone and taken something that I worked hard at for years, and totally discarded it – replacing it with something that frankly looks elementary and basic. It would be one thing if they weren’t able to update the site – but I went out of my way to make the web site easily editable – but I guess that wasn’t good enough.

And what’s going on with the web site is an illustration of why I’ve really struggled with the new leadership at my campus ministry, and ultimately at my church.  Here, likely because of youth and inexperience, the leadership has elected to throw out quality ministry/work, and has sacrificed quality (to the point of mediocrity) just so they can have full ownership and most importantly control.  They are unwilling to look to others that may have more skill and expertise – if it exists outside their inside group.

This happened before when Sean, Emily and myself felt so alienated that we had no choice but to resign from student leadership.  It’s why the UM Search Committee was forced to pass up quality candidates for a campus minister.  It’s the reason why I go to Pastoral Council meetings with few expectations in being able to make any real impact.

Before I was fuming mad, but now I would still say that I’m pretty pissed, but trying to turn this around, this is an opportunity for me to devote my web design skills more fully into some other projects (my friend’s web site, my cousin’s org she’s starting, and of course, the NCSC site), and this may also be an opportunity for the staff at church to figure out what exactly they want regarding their web site…

Once again, I am reminded of Matthew 10:14: "Whoever will not receive you or listen to your words – go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet."

Oh and if you’re curious, some links.  Like Fox New: We report: you decide…

  • The original, unaltered Campus Ministry web site
  • The new site they replaced mine with

Summer Disappointment

Song: "Three Little Birds" – Don’t Worry About a Thing, ’cause every little thing, is gonna be alright…  How true…

You know the phrase "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"?  I feel like that today.  Not so much in the sense that I need a renewed look upon life, but more-so that I need to stop dwelling on my shortcomings and do what I need to do to fix the things that are causing stress in my life.

Of course, all of this is self-inflicted and it’s all due to the fact that I’m the biggest procrastinator in the world.  There’s a saying on a calendar I have at work: "Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now."  Unfortunately I live by that all too well, so much so that it gets me into trouble.

This week I’m committed to resolving all of those things that I’ve been putting off all summer long, and a pretty sizable list has piled up.  Ugh…

First and foremost – my crowning disappointment – the NCSC Western Retreat…  You might be asking "What NCSC Western Retreat?" – exactly..  I’ve done some work here and there about it, but nowhere to the point where it should be…  Which has lead me to write the following email to my regional team:

 I am sad to say that due to my inability to manage my time effectively throughout this summer, as will as my ineptitude in delegating tasks that I have only accomplished some minor logistical tasks in preparing for the retreat.  Additionally due to my inabilities I was not able to effectively market & outreach this retreat to our target audience with any realistic notice. I am deeply sorry for letting this fall by the waste-side.  I realize that many of you have gone out of your way to make yourselves available throughout this summer to assist in any way, and I apologize for not taking advantage of your gifts and enthusiasm.  I realize that I have let many of you down, and at this point would ask for your forgiveness as we look towards the fall semester in serving our region and the rest of the NCSC.

It sucks, and it’s pretty much all my fault…  All is not lost, because I was such a bum about this no advertising has been done, so there’s not really anything that has to be canceled in any official capacity – so we’re still able to take the same concepts and ideas and hopefully apply them towards something later on in the semester.  I’m just frustrated because I knew this was looming over me, I kept putting it off and let myself get busy with other things.  Then the next thing I know too much time has passed – it’s too late and now I’m writing apology messages.

Right now I’m working on creating an opportunity for our regional team together at the end of the summer, have some fun together and do some more visioning and planning.  I hope that this opportunity will come to fruition and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that it happens.  I am blessed with an awesome regional team and I need to use their gifts effectively.  At this point I definitely need a lot of prayer in this area…

So that’s the 800-pound gorilla that is still on my back, but here are some more bits of straw that’s breaking me:

  • Pay Off My Broncos Tickets – While I am *officially" on the season ticket waiting list, I effectively have Season Tickets through some former co-workers of mine that have been selling them to me at the beginning of each year.  This will be the 4th year I’ve done this, but first I have to PAY them.  It’s not because I don’t have the money, it’s because I’ve been such a bum to work it into my budget to pay them.  Now our first home pre-season game is August 20th and I need to get all of the money to them.  – Today I emailed them…  I’m hoping to hear from them this week and get the ball rolling.
  • Start the Fantasy Football Ball Rolling – Did that last night…  This isn’t so important, except for the fact that if I don’t get going this early people will find other leagues to join and we’ll be up the creek on this one – Emailed a bunch of people yesterday – already received 7 responses!
  • Fix the Family Football Pool – I *still* haven’t awarded any of the prizes for the pool, nor have I taken anyone’s dues for the pool.  This is something I need to do before the week ends!  Luckily I will no longer be the football pool commish – I’m turning it over to someone who has the time and capability to do this!
  • Tie up the other 50 loose ends I have…

So a bunch of little things – pretty minor in their own but combined have become heavy burdens in themselves…  But hopefully by the end of this week I’ll be able to say that I have all of these taken care of!  Wish me luck!

Few random thoughts:

  • Peter Foresburg is no longer an Av – NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!
  • Freakin Comcast randomly changes their channel line-up!  Thanks for breaking my Tivo!  I’m glad I recorded an hour’s worth of the TV Guide Channel!  That’s quality viewing there!
  • Only 6 more days until I suffer against the addictions of Madden 2006…. 
  • At this moment I’m waiting for a call so that the Explorer can become the drunk bus!  I guess I’m picking up 8 people – should be interesting!  If you ever have too much to drink and need a ride home, call me 24 hours a day at 1-800-AAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHH.