Thank God that this day is almost over! This has been a very crappy day, hence this blog will basically be a rant of this day. So thank you to those of you who choose to read it, but also please take things with a grain of salt. My emotions are high and I just need to get this out so I can go to bed in peace.
This day had it’s potential. I started the day by seeing "The Longest Yard" with my family. That was a pretty good movie (for what it was – a comedy about football). Romo was in it, which was hilarious, as well as Michael Irvine. I would recommend that you go see it, especially if you like Adam Sandler, football or any combination of the two. Burt Reynolds wasn’t too obnoxious either, and usually I can’t stand him.
The potential carried into a completion of a home project that was long overdue. At my parent’s house the gate of our fence has had a hole in it for almost a year. During that time the dog loves to get out and just chill in the front yard. He really doesn’t run away, he just sits in the front yards, bugs the neighbors and the people walking by, but just hangs there. But he will (hopefully) no longer be doing that now that we’ve repaired the gate. We pretty much reconstructed the whole thing and it looks really good. We also laid out a bunch of 2×4’s so that he’ll stop messing with the actual fence panels. So I felt productive and that was nice.
Then things started to go south…
First off it rained all day and it’s been a chilly 40-50 degree day – a real turn from the 80’s that we were experiencing earlier in the week. Usually I love the rain – it is probably my favorite weather.. But I don’t like rain when it’s rained all day, is freezing cold and I have 13 Rockies Tickets. Yes, we had 13 tickets for my family, my sisters’ friends and boyfriends and a few of my friends. We were going to have a grand old time watching the Rockies get beat by the Cardinals and then get to see some really cool fireworks after the game. This was going to be the third fireworks game I would have gone to, and when it comes to fireworks games I was 0-2. The first year I got 2nd section seats for the family only to have the stupid 3rd level overhang completely block our view of the fireworks. The next year I thought I had the problem solved by getting right field box seats, but behold – that stupid overhang came back again… But this year was going to be different. I spent an hour figuring out their stupid on-line ticket system so that I could get tickets on the 3rd level (no overhand), behind the dug-out, getting aisle seats on the 2nd row of the section. We were going to have our perfect unobstructed view of the fireworks. But then the rain had to come and ruin it. It was pouring in Fort Collins which really convinced my friends, as well as my family to not really want to go. Finally I resigned to my family and told them that if they didn’t want to go we didn’t have to… So they didn’t and we didn’t go.
It was probably good that we didn’t go. The game was delayed 1 hour and 40 minutes, and when it did start it didn’t get over until 11pm, and after having to move their 10’s of fans from the left-field boxes over to the field the fireworks probably wouldn’t have started until 11:30 at the earliest. Which means as I’m writing this as 12:15am they would just be getting over and we’d be heading home… So yeah, it was probably good but…
I am now out $360 in 13 tickets! That’s right, I’ve basically taken $360 and flushed it down the toilet. Actually flushing those tickets down the toilet would probably give me more entertainment than they’re getting sitting on my desk right now. So now I am $360 poorer. THIS SUCKS! My only hope is that I can call the Rockies Ticket office and see if I can do some kind of exchange for some tickets, but it says right there on the ticket – No Refunds/Exchanges… I went through and read all of that small print on the back of those tickets and right now my chances don’t look good.
Now I understand it’s money and in the end I’ll get over this – but for tonight I think I’ve earned a night to pout about this… I just think about how much $360 could be used for other things right now… I’m just really pissed.
On top of that I’m really struggling with my sister. I’m really sick of the drama that has gone on all throughout this weekend, and only now am I beginning to feel the effects of dealing with this crap. As I am writing this I am less than 24 hours away from her going away for the whole summer (her leaving early is another point of contention). I have spent the last 4 days at my family’s house virtually all day and yet my sister has only been at home for about an hour during that whole time. I’m pretty pissed that we have all this family that have traveled long distances to see her, that my mom has made serious sacrifices all throughout this weekend for her and she’s out with her friends this whole time. I understand that she wants to see them too, but this whole "leaving early" thing she brought on herself… I guess what it all boils down to is that my sister keeps making these stupid choices and doesn’t encounter any of the consequences from them. A perfect example is what happened tonight…
So my sister decides to go off and watch a movie with her friends so she gets into the car, backs up, doesn’t look and NAILS my other sister’s boyfriend’s car right in the rear fender. We go out to see what happens and she gets out, really doesn’t assume any responsibility for it, then goes nuts on us somehow trying to make it our fault. Does it stop her from going out? No it doesn’t! She pulls the car back into the garage, and angrily gets into her friend’s car and leaves… And there she goes – gone without even really looking back. Not once did she apologize to my sister’s boyfriend and she just leaves our family to deal with the crap from this.
I know that this is probably just random rambling, but I’m just really pissed that she doesn’t accept the consequences of her actions. She’s 18, she’s going across the country for school and she doesn’t even know what it’s like to be out in this real world. I know that part of the college experience will be to teach her those lessons, but I just think back to myself and my other sister when we were that age and we were so different. Why my sister just doesn’t "get it" – I have no idea and I think that’s what really frustrates me. I’m really mad that she takes advantage of my mom. My parents have worked hard to make sure that my siblings and I had all the opportunities and resources we need – and still for my sister that’s not good enough. I spent my tax return buying her a brand new laptop, but she still complains when I gave my youngest sister my USED PDA (palm top). The grass is always greener with her. Ambition is a good thing – lust is not. Academically she’s the smartest person in our family, but it doesn’t mean crap if you don’t have common sense and can’t apply your knowledge. She knows how to do well in AP classes and get accepted into MIT – but yet she still doesn’t understand the meaning of hard work or the value of sacrifices of others.
This sounds really horrible – I love my sister and all but I’m really looking forward to her being gone for the summer and hope that she’ll grow up in the process. Welcome to the real world…
So that’s my rant. I’m sorry for the emotionally-laced tirade. Here’s to a good night’s sleep and the promise of a new day…