Gearing up for the gig tonight

The anticipation for tonight’s Greenfoot show at Toad Tavern is winding up. It’s a bit funny that we woke up this morning to frigid weather here. It always seems like the weather does crazy things on days of shows.

I’m pretty anxious about today’s show, probably moreso than the other shows. I think a big part of it comes from the fact taht I have such a packed schedule. I’m winding down my day here at work and am getting ready to head over for class. Afterwards I head over to the gym, grab a quick bite to eat and then go to the start of a meeting. Then I’m going to duck out early (like pretty much make an appearance and then leave) so I can get down to Littleton in time. If all goes well, I should roll in at 9:00pm, which gives me an hour to get all of the gear set up and ready to go.

The other reason I’m so anxious is because we did such a marketing blitz for these shows. We hung flyers with CD’s at all the area colleges, including 15 flyers/CD’s at the Toad Tavern itself. I’m anxious to see if we get any return on our marketing investment. It would be exciting to have a good turnout for tonight.

We learned some pretty good lessons from our flyer distribution day a few weeks back, the most important: that nothing beats a personal invitation. If can look someone in the eye, give them a CD and invite them to the show, the better the likelyhood of them actually coming. We’re going to apply our lessons learned this weekend by spending our promotion time at the student center in the School of Mines (which is close to Adolini’s) for the show on the 15th. I hope that both shows go well.

If you’re in the Denver area and would like to come down and support us, come to the Toad Tavern at 10pm tonight!