Yelp rules!

Greetings from being on the road in New York. I’m up here for a big family event and enjoying my first vacation of the summer.

On Thursday we went into New York City for a brief visit.  We ended up covering a decent amount of ground over one day: starting off at Grand Central, then going up to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, then off to the World Trade Center site, up to Times Square, then finally up to upper-east Manhattan. 

At the end of our day we were hoping to meet up with my cousin for dinner, but she got held up at work and wasn’t able to join us.  We didn’t have any idea what we should do for dinner, so I turned to Yelp to provide us with some suggestions.  I loaded up the mobile version of the web site on my Treo, keyed in our intersection and searched on restaurants nearby. I started reading some reviews on Italian restaurants when I found many great reviews for Nick’s Pizza on 2nd Ave & 94th St.  We definitely weren’t disappointed!  This was some of the greatest pizza that I’ve had!  I’ve spent some time making reviews on Yelp for Fort Collins as something to pass the time, but I never really appreciated what a great resource this is for those in new places.

If you’re in a new place and happen to have Internet on your cell phone, give Yelp a try!

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